The Howard County Executive lifted the mask mandate for all indoor events and gatherings until further notice. Historic Oakland is following these guidelines with the following conditions: any and all guests or visitors are welcome in Historic Oakland without being masked. However, per CDC guidelines, all visitors or guests must be fully vaccinated (Fully vaccinated means 2 vaccines and 1 booster, when eligible). Any visitor or guest not fully vaccinated are required to be masked at all times when in Historic Oakland.
We are currently at full capacity. 3/2023
Historic Oakland places your safety, and the safety of all staff and service professionals, as our primary mission. We want everyone to enjoy their event and have the peace of mind in knowing that we are doing everything we can to minimize the risk of contracting any disease or virus will visiting Historic Oakland.
We have put in place the following health and safety guidelines for each and every event held at our historic venue. These guidelines follow those recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control’s website.
Surfaces and Contact Points
All surfaces and touch points are cleaned on a regular basis before and after each event using hospital-grade disinfectants and cleaning protocols recommended by the CDC, the State of Maryland, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Special attention is paid to sanitizing door handles, railings, security keypads and common high-traffic spaces/surfaces in the building on all floors.
Guest Contact
CDC and WHO guidance indicates that person-to-person contact or “close proximity” are the primary ways COVID-19 spreads through aerosols and droplets. To help prevent risk of transmission in this way, Historic Oakland implemented the following safety protocols:
- Historic Oakland is following these masking guidelines with the following conditions: any and all guests or visitors are welcome in Historic Oakland without being masked. However, per CDC guidelines, all visitors or guests must be fully vaccinated (Fully vaccinated means 2 vaccines and 1 booster, when eligible). Any visitor or guest not fully vaccinated are required to be masked at all times when in Historic Oakland.
- Signs placed in the Main Foyer reminding guests to maintain physical distancing of at least six feet.
- Hand-sanitizing stations placed at the Main Foyer Entrance to use prior to touring/entering the Manor.
- For use of the exterior of the building, gardens, patios and parking lots, masks are ALSO required of all guests, staff, and vendors when 6-foot social distancing requirements cannot be adhered to.
- Oakland staff are required to wear a mask at all times.
- All food and beverage vendors, servers, and/or wait staff are required to wear a mask and gloves at all times when in or on property.
- Portable air filtration systems were purchased for use in all events. The units are certified to filter viruses, gases, and odors and eliminate at least 99.5% of all particles down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist. These HyperHEPA systems use only safe, proven, mechanical filtration technology, without generating dangerous ions, ozone, or UV.
Staff and Service Professional Arrival to Historic Oakland
All Town Center Community Association and Historic Oakland staff are fully vaccinated. Anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and/or present with a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above are directed to leave the premises and seek medical attention.
Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer dispensers are placed at key guest, staff and service professional entrances and contact areas such as main entrances, and rest rooms.
Back-of-the-House Signage
Signage is posted throughout Historic Oakland reminding service professionals of the proper way to wash hands, clean surfaces, social distance and how to avoid touching their faces.
Vendors, food and bar service vendors, servers, and/or wait staff are required to provide their own personal protective supplies. Masks and gloves are always required by all service professionals.
Cafeteria-style food and beverage service are permitted whereby a caterer/server with mask and gloves serves the guest. A food service barrier is strongly recommended, but not required.
Cake must be plated and served by a professional server wearing gloves and a mask, not by individual guests.
Frequent hand washing with soap is encouraged for at least 20 seconds or use of hand sanitizer.
Historic Oakland’s cleaning service uses cleaning products and protocols which meet CDC and EPA guidelines. These products and protocols are approved for use and effective against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and blood borne pathogens. Cleaning occurs before and after each event throughout the entire Manor including both inside and outside with the focus on high-contact areas, e.g., door handles, tables, chairs, and railings.

Safety indoors and out!
Meeting and banquet setup arrangements allow for physical distancing between guests in all meetings and events, based on CDC recommendations. Event capacities are managed for each room in the Manor and cover the total attendance of all staff, guests and vendors that are in the room and/or Manor at any one time. Staff strictly adhere to all table and chair setups to ensure that social distancing is always maintained for the duration of the event.
All protocols and procedures are subject to change at any time based on the State of Maryland Governor’s and/or Howard County Executive’s orders at the time of the event.